Home architecture info February 6, 2020

This video will show you how dry ice blasting gets the job done.

SINCE 2020
An dry ice blasting company based in Norway

We believe in dry ice cleaning: it is the most eco-friendly cleaning in the market right now. Recycled CO2 is used at the cleaning process, so no additional CO2 is being released into the environment. Also this method eliminates the creation of secondary waste.

No secondary waste: in sand-blasting or water-blasting, the blasting substance itself generates hazardous waste if it has been used to remove any kind of dirt. But with dry ice cleaning, no extra chemicals or waste water are produced during the cleaning. You only have to dispose of the contaminant that has been removed, and this can be done by sweeping or vacuuming the floor.

Non-abrasive process: dry ice machine does not cause damage to the production equipment or to the final product since the dry ice pellets dissolve completely into carbon dioxide (CO2) as soon as it hits the surface of the object. 

Fastest process: Dry ice blaster can rapidly clean inaccessible items, all thanks to the combination of a wide range of nozzles. The fact that you don’t have to disassemble equipment makes dry ice blasting a faster cleaning method than other cleaning methods.

Recycled CO2 : Capturing CO2 is most cost-effective at large industries with major CO2 emissions like cement production, steelmaking, chemical plants, synthetic fuel plants and fossil fuel-based hydrogen production plants. 

Dry ice is produced by freezing CO2 at a temperature of -78.5 degrees Celsius and stored in suitable insulated containers.

Extracting CO2 from air is possible, although the lower concentration of CO2 in air compared to combustion sources makes the process therefore more expensive.

Safe cleaning: No toxic or environmentally harmful chemicals or solvents are used in dry ice cleaning. It means that there is no risk to employees from working with hazardous substances that are harmful to health.

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Renovation and restoration

Dry ice cleaning is successfully being applied in a wide variety of applications in the construction industry including fire restoration for removing soot and other fire or water damage from wood, metal, tiles and walls. This method is also used for facade cleaning, removing traffic pollution and mold.

Due to the non abrasive nature of dry ice and the absence of secondary waste from the cleaning process, dry-ice blasting is used in historical preservation projects.

Electrical equipment & power plants

Dry ice blasting reduces labor costs and saves time by efficiently cleaning electrical boxes, technical rooms or even motors. This cleaning technique saves a lot of time as it does the job quickly and there is no need to move electrical products from one place to another in order to clean them.

Dry ice cleaning can be the perfect choice for turbines and generators, since it is a non-abrasive process. Efficient jobs can be done without damaging the blades or cables.

In order to clean cableways and trays there is no better option than dry ice blasting. It is the fastest and the best way to clean them.

For general nuclear decontamination. Cleaning of gas turbines, heat exchangers, transformers and substations. Switchboards and cabinets including ‘live’ electrical components.

Aerospace and Marine

In the aerospace industry dry ice cleaning is used for restoration of historical aircraft and renovation of airframes, removing decals and aircraft identification markings. Restoring turbine engines, fan blades or aircraft landing gear. In the marine industry dry ice blasting can be used for removing existing paint on boat hulls before re-painting as well as for other maintenance jobs.

Packing and printing

The printing industry agrees that dry ice cleaning is the most cost-effective and the most eco-friendly method to clean the presses and other equipment(such as drums, grippers, rollers, gears) involved in the industry.

Moulds and plastics

Dry-ice blasting can clean numerous objects with differing, complex geometries at once, which is why cleaning plastic and rubber moulds is a main application for the technology. Dry ice replaces traditional cleaning methods that rely on manual scrubbing and the use of chemical cleaning agents. Dry-ice blasting cleans the moulds in-place at operation, which eliminates the need to shut production down for cleaning.

Food Production

In the food and beverage industry, the dry ice blasting method is used to clean all types of equipment. Bakeries, candy manufacturing, coffee roasters, potato chip manufacturing, dairy product manufacturing, ingredient manufacturing and many more are benefitting from dry ice cleaning machines. Because dry ice cleaning offers an effective, dry and most important non-destructive cleaning method that can be performed in-place while production lines and conveyors are still running. Hard to reach corners are easily cleaned with dry ice blasting, resulting in an improved overall clean in your production.

Not only does dry ice blasting remove contaminants, but it will also result in log reductions in bacteria numbers and will remove biofilms without water or chemicals – all while significantly reducing cleaning time, labor and overall costs.


In the automotive industry, dry ice cleaning can help with pre-sale restoration/renovation as it brings back factory looks. Also this technique is used in mould cleaning, robotic welding equipment maintenance, tire manufacture equipment maintenance, rim manufacture equipment cleaning. It is the most efficient way to remove stickers and bitumen from the vehicles.
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